Working for the Weekend

    {Shop: Scarf, Jeans, Boots}

    My imaginary weekend went like this: 
    We slept in until noon each day. 
    Our maid came and cleaned our house and did our laundry for free. 
    We ate a late brunch then caught up on our movies. 
    The coffee supply was endless. 
    We did nothing that remotely looked like work. 
    We laughed all weekend long.

    My real weekend went like this:
    I woke up at 8 every morning. (then annoyed B until he woke up)
    The imaginary maid did not come and our real mess and real laundry did not get finished. 
    We ate when we remembered to. 
    The coffee supply was endless. 
    We did nothing that remotely looked like play. 
    We laughed all weekend long. 

    B and I spent most of the weekend working on our business. This is apparently what I wear when working on our business plan because I've worn this outfit in many variatons all weekend long. You don't know about this business? Then you haven't been doing your required reading. Tsk, tsk. There will be a quiz at the end, so read up. 

    And by most of our weekend, I did take a solid two hour nap this afternoon complete with drool. It's not a nap unless there is drool. 

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Working for the Weekend

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