So yes, I officially started this remix challenge last Thursday (April 1), but I'm just now getting around to showing what exactly I'm re-mixing. You've been waiting with bated breath, I know. Well you can finally breathe, here are the 30 items I'm remixing. (Again -- I'm not counting belts or necklaces, as they are the salt and pepper of my wardrobe. And no matter how hard I try, belts can not replace the functionality of a shirt.)

My husband did not take these pictures if you were wondering. Those fat skillz are mine all mine. Jealous? No? That's fine. My poor little husband is currently piled under paperwork and stress while doing our taxes. I might just toss him a pillow tonight and let him sleep under the tent he's made out of receipts.
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→The 30 for 30 Remix Challenge
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