I am so very excited and flattered to be a recipient of a few recent blog awards and a feature! In no particular order:

--- Ana over at the wonderful style blog, Toil & Trouble, gave me a Best Blog Award alongside some of my favorite bloggers. I am so very flattered, so thanks Ana -- I gladly accept :)

-- Cute little KJLangford over at Unveiled gave me the Over the Top Award. If there is one thing that I've been called in my life, it's been over the top, so I accept this award with open arms. Thank you for not calling me melodramatic like my husband and mother do.
-- Kathryn over at Schoolmarm Style, has me featured on her blog as her current girl crush! She is so sweet and has the cutest outfits. You totally made my day :)
Thank you girls for your sweet comments and awards. Be sure to check out their blogs, they are too cute for words.
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→I'm blushing.
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